To accelerate the development of the Adverse Outcome Pathway (AOP) framework and the corresponding community of practice, a coaching program has been introduced by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) in 2019. International collaborative research related to AOP development and its coaching started at the Extended Advisory Group on Molecular Screening and Toxicogenomics (EAGMST) in OECD. AOPs submitted by each country or consortium to EAGMST are assigned to coaches. The current AOP coaching team is composed of experienced AOP developers from various countries, and international collaborative research is promoted through coaching programs. Coaches provide guidance and feedback to new developers, help to address specific questions they may have about the AOP framework or the AOP-Wiki, and confirm compliance with the OECD guidance document and developers’ handbook before the AOP is submitted for external peer review. Coach meetings are held online twice per year to discuss how coaching should proceed. A navigating document summarizing frequently asked questions in the coaching process in Q&A format has been prepared and there is also a coaching forum where developers and coaches alike can post questions and hold online discussions. A significant aim of the coaching program is to balance the academic rigor of AOP development with the pragmatic aspects of regulatory application of AOPs and new approach methodologies. The coaching program is one step that OECD and its member countries are taking to help support a transition in the way that chemical safety assessments, and other science-based decision-making related to human and environmental health, are conducted. Contents of this abstract neither constitute, nor necessarily reflect the official policy of the OECD or its member countries and organizations.